Your specialized Patient Contact Center!
Adapting through the pandemic
As of March 21, 2020 we have shifted almost 80% of our staffing to a WFH (Work from Home) model. Since the shift we have ensured (but not limited to):
- Improved network security and infrastructure to accommodate working from home needs.
HIPAA/PCI-DSS re-certifications.
Implementation of new regulatory compliance measures.
We have also seen some positive results in the staff morale with decreased employee attrition and increased productivity.
If you are interested in reading more about the measures we have put in place in the new normal we have created a separate page with more information:
Contact us now!
Call us at (954) 243-9079 now to learn more about how SkyCom Healthcare can contribute to your bottom line or fill out the form below for more information!
We keep your information safe. View our Privacy Policy.

Miami, FL
509 Courvoisier Centre II,
601 Brickell Key Drive

San Salvador
Blvrd. Orden De Malta, Calle El Boquerón #5, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad

Guatemala City
2da calle 7-93 zona 14, Edificio Plaza Las Conchas, 6to nivel